Coaching to cover your business needs

Coachplus addresses a wide range of subjects in coaching engagements, many of which are listed here.  You are welcome to raise a different issue with us if you do not find it below.  Our consulting services are more focused on human and organizational change, and agreed with you on a case-by-case basis as your need arises.

Helping you personally

Case Study: He became a strong communicator on gaining self-esteem.

Although highly rated for his expertise, the client would react to situations rather than shape them proactively, and resorted to meticulous planning to cover all eventualities. This was stressful for him and unproductive for the company. double-right-arrow

Executives who feel good in themselves – their thinking, abilities, motivation – are more likely to perform consistently at their best.  It could be that knowing how to improve interpersonal skills transforms your performance.  Perhaps you want to feel more fulfilled or valued by colleagues and are uncertain how to achieve this.  Here are some of the areas in which Coachplus can support you personally:

  • Effective communications – engaging others, assertiveness
  • Confidence – overcoming limiting beliefs or self-talk
  • Managing self – eg your time, energy or anger
  • Job satisfaction
  • Work-life balance
  • Career crossroads
  • Your purpose in life
  • Psychometric profiling

Helping you as a leader

Case Study: Board director needed relationship skills to improve company performance.

A director was newly promoted to the subsidiary Board.  She had an aggressive style of getting results, with little consideration for others involved.  Yet a success factor for her new position was the ability to engineer strong relationships at all levels to bring about performance improvement double-right-arrow

Coachplus can support your leadership development needs at any stage of your career, such as with:

  • Prioritising and focus
  • Influence, confidence and gravitas
  • The management and leadership aspects of your role
  • The relationship and task-delivery aspects of your role
  • Navigating organizational matrix and geographies
  • Relationship management skills
  • Leading change
  • First 90 days in new role
  • Legacy and succession planning
  • Developing vision and translating this into a strategic plan
  • Your leadership identity and how this is perceived
  • Psychometric profiling

Helping you lead your team

Case Study: He had to learn team management skills, so that his people could excel as one team.

The client was consolidating a team of experts during the upheaval of business restructuring.  Based in different countries, team members had little day-to-day contact with each other and little in the way of shared goals, work practice or ways of communicating.  Personality issues between the leader and some individuals made it difficult for him to manage the team. double-right-arrow

Coachplus can help you build team management skills to generate high-performance yourself, or you can achieve specific outcomes with our active involvement, via the following:

  • Team leadership
  • Delegation and empowerment
  • Address dysfunctional teamworking
  • Remote or virtual teams
  • New team set-up – structure (roles, responsibilities) & process (communications, decisionmaking, action, review)
  • Business performance review
    • for the future: defining strategy, success factors and risks
    • for now: assessing current performance
    • remedial: identifying issues and action-planning
  • Project set-up, review and trouble-shooting
  • Gear team members to lead business change
  • Psychometric profiling

Helping you lead your organization

Case Study: External change management support helped the director to lead business change.

The director was to lead the rollout of a corporate business change within his division.  He feared the company was underestimating the potential impact of the change on employees, and hence their productivity for which he was accountable.  He felt inexperienced to handle a change of this magnitude. double-right-arrow

Coachplus can help you set the direction of your business, consider change management strategies and align your organization accordingly.  Or, if requested, we can assess, plan, draft, execute and track specific initiatives on your behalf.  Here is an indication of areas we can discuss with you:

  • Culture-change – eg towards innovation, entrepreneurial or high-performance
  • Implementing organizational change for new IT or process
  • Organization assessments – eg organizational effectiveness, change readiness
  • Common purpose and interdependencies between Group businesses and corporate centre
  • Change management community or network
  • Sense-making – continuity during change, preparation for future uncertainty
  • Performance/profit improvement – change management strategies
  • Vision-setting
  • Scenario testing
  • Talent management

Helping you lead in the external environment

Case Study: Director rethought his approach to suppliers, to align with the changing strategy of the business. 

The Director handled a range of suppliers with his team.  These relationships had typically been in place for years with varying efficiency. double-right-arrow

Coachplus can help you reflect on how you want yourself and your business to be perceived by external stakeholders.

  • Customer-supplier relationships
  • Competitor positioning
  • Industry positioning
  • Relationships with specific external stakeholders
  • Social responsibility

Psychometric Profiling

Case Study: Vital self-awareness was needed before he could win support to transform business performance.

The newly-appointed President of a subsidiary had recently rejoined the company following many years with a competitor.  He had a stretching agenda for operational and culture change.  He had a natural driver-style of operating, which was failing to get him results. double-right-arrow

Psychometric profiling can provide a clear and structured basis for understanding your values, preferences, skills and behaviours.  Profiles elicit an invaluable common language between the coachee and his coach, leading to rich conversations for personal growth within the work environment.

Coachees may already have undertaken some kind of psychometric profile prior to the coaching.  Coachplus is experienced in using a wide range of profiles, including corporate-bespoke 360s.  With agreement, coaching can draw on existing profiles where these are recent.

The Coachplus instrument of choice is the Spony Profiling Model (SPM).  This is a developmental and cross-cultural tool based on award-winning research at Cranfield Business School.  The SPM profiles work values and behaviours for individuals, teams, roles and organizations within the context of National Culture.  Further information available at

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